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    Political allegiance    by Trevor Pritchard   Page 1
Even the most cursory glance at the history of our planet will prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the last two centuries have seen some of the greatest changes ever in the whole of human history. That’s true whatever sphere of activity we look at: personal, political, social, industrial, religious. Or take the world of communications, or economics. Things had stayed much the same for centuries. The world was a big place and people were quite unaware of countries thousands of miles away. One group in society or one individual would grow in power in his or her own small part of the world and would be revered or at least obeyed by ordinary people – subjects or slaves – for a while. Then things would change, often through war and bloodshed, and another ruler would assert his or her will, and take control.


From 1789 onwards the situation changed dramatically. Men were still seeking their own Utopia. Listen to today’s politicians anywhere in the world. Each has his hope of “putting things right” and every party, in a democracy, says they will make the necessary changes. Yet the pace of change is such that any legislation is out of date almost before the ink is dry. In many countries governments have changed from dictatorships to democracies or from monarchies to republics. Government by the people” is now more common in the world than ever before, so that democracy envisaged first by the Greeks well over 2000 years ago is widely championed. Yet, strangely, almost everywhere we look in the world, the authority of such people-appointed governments is under challenge, not least in the UK where a succession of revelations about wrongly-claimed MPs’ expenses and financial mismanagement have seriously undermined the standing of Parliament as a whole.

All Change!

Religions too have changed. They have lost their local nature. Europe was a continent which became Christian in name at least over the centuries despite many wars. Even in Britain, which still has an established “Christian” church, the moral values of religions from the Middle and Far East compete with traditional, so-called Christian, values as if on equal terms. Western politicians today, however, speak very differently from their predecessors.

George Washington (1732-1799)
said "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible”

William Gladstone (1809-1898)
added "I have known 95 of the world’s great men in my time and of these, 87 were followers of the Bible. The Bible is stamped with a Speciality of Origin, and an immeasurable distance separates it from all competitors”

Today many members of the British Parliament do not acknowledge God and even deny that He exists, despite their parliamentary sessions opening with prayer. Political parties also, with their different ideologies, set out their social and economic policies in their manifestos. One writer somewhat cynically suggested that politics is about the acquisition of power, rather than its useful employment. But whichever party comes into power, the only values which are taken into account are materialistic. Everything talked about is expressed in monetary terms. It all has to do with balancing the budget and getting rid of the country’s huge debt. Yet these things do not even begin to address the real issues.

World Astray

The state of world affairs of whatever sort has now reached such a pass that wherever one turns there are problems of the most gigantic proportions. In:

African countries
(political unrest and disease),

China and Burma
(the abuse of human rights),

(the strange unstable mix of communism and capitalism),

(corruption and increased bureaucracy),

(military dictatorship in the guise of religion),

Israel and Palestine
(continuous conflict),

South America and Mexico
(drug barons),

Northern Ireland
(constant political and religious turmoil, despite the Peace Process),

child abuse, anti-social behaviour, thieving, muggings and murder are plumbing new depths. Many areas in the world have not only political and religious problems but also insuperable problems of poverty, famine and a rapidly increasing population. Men and women say to me, “There cannot be a God in heaven because, if He is as good as we are given to understand then why doesn’t He do something? Here is a world in the most dreadful state - corruption, selfishness, greed, violence, unrest, drought, famine and disease – so, if He’s there, why doesn’t He do something?“

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